Brrrrring, Brrrring
"Is this Kim?"
"Hi, this is Linda from the Humane Society, remember me?" know it is amazing how many thoughts can flash through your head in an instant, Should I hang up? Pretend its a bad connection? Just say I'm not interested?
"Hello, yes I remember you"
"Well we have another great find for you...two darling sheep have come in"
"Yes, their story is quite sad. They were found half drowned in a flooded field north of here. They were there for days before someone finally called us."
"That's terrible"
"We of course thought of you when they arrived"
"Of course you did...cough, I mean thank you"
Now darn it if I'm not a complete sucker for a sad animal story. How in the world could two sheep be left stuck in a flooded field for days before someone called it in? What kind of people just ignore that kind of thing? But sheep? What would I do with sheep? I don't think they are known for eating blackberries. Don't you have to shear them and stuff?
"We really do need to find these poor creatures a home"
"Uhhh" thinking, thinking, What will hubby say? I'll have to learn to shear. Do they need a shelter? Do I want another drive down the highway with critters hanging out? Am I completely crazy?
"Ok, I'll be down in a couple of hours to pick them up"
"Oh thank you so much, we knew we could count on you" Click the scales have tipped so far towards the farmer side I'm never gonna be just a regular person again.