I reached under the bathroom sink yesterday and did something momentous...I gently and with great sadness opened the last bar of Original Scent Irish Spring soap that had been stockpiled for the last 9 years...yes I said 9 years! My Y2K stash has finally been depleted.
I am a stockpiler by nature and when you add the impending doom of something like Y2K I might tend to go a little overboard. If a month's worth of something is prudent then 2 years worth must be better...you never know after all.
Besides soap was one of those things that having three almost teenage boys we could not and I would not live without. There were of course other items that needed to be hoarded...tampons (lasted me 3 years), toilet paper (lasted over a year), dried beans (still have the suckers), water (used to flush the toilets for 9 years now when the power is out...we still have some) , sugar (a year)...I could go on but I'm sure you get the point. I'm either a cautious responsible wife and mother or I'm just plain sick and need help...the jury is still out on this.
Now I'm not just about having a well stocked larder but I am also a business woman. I figured at the time that I could have supplemented our income nicely buy selling on the blackmarket tampons for $1 each and bars of Irish Spring to mothers with stinky sons for at least $10 a bar!
...darn Y2K just didn't meet my expectations!
Wonder how much a bar of Irish Spring goes for nowadays?