It is evergreen, beautiful, easy to grow, and it will cover anything, ok not stretch marks but you all know what I'm talking about...
it is also invasive, grows at an astonishing rate, and it is hard to kill...
It likes to climb up and under the siding and can even climb metal gutters! Now I think an ivy covered house would be gorgeous, just think no painting, no washing those pesky windows, just beautiful green ivy! I would worry though about it sneeking in through the cracks and strangling me at night...then again I'm a little paranoid!
It grows under the brick porch and back out the top again...through the mortar! See it could get in through the cracks...who's the crazy one now?
The front porch has been possessed by the stuff. I don't let baby boy play in there, I'm afraid I wouldn't find him until he's 5!
Next the ivy has decided to take on the roof (which you notice is not finished yet, we've only been here 10 years...if my hubby is reading this, tongue and groove would look mighty pretty up there!)
It has blooms...who knew? I didn't, did you? If you did then the smarty pants award goes to you!
It may be beautiful but is considered a noxious weed in Washington and Oregon. It is taking over and killing trees in our urban forests. Mine is planted where it can't escape...well unless it goes clear over the house, which if I didn't cut it back every so often it would!
So please plant with care...and keep away from small children, it might eat them!