Just how wet is it? Well...this is not a creek but my driveway!
...the animals are soaked, even baby Oreo!
...this slug followed me into the camel shed to get out of the rain! I hate slugs, bleck!
...the rain chain can't keep up, but
...the ivy
...and ferns are thrilled
How wet is it? It has rained between 4 and 6 inches in Western Washington Sate in the past 24 hours...that's how wet it is!
This is what Gizmo thinks of our rain...notice the tongue, lol!
This is my Carhart when I came in...notice the dry spot at the neck from my hood?
Whoever called rain liquid sunshine had a screw loose, there is nothing sunny about it at all! Its just wet, cold, dark and annoying...well at least it is in these quantities!