I often wonder how people find my blog. When I go look at my stats I'm especially interested in how folks have arrived here who are just out searching through google or yahoo. My biggest search hit numbers by far have arrived through my white grape jelly recipe, then my applesauce recipe, and finally my camel...weird combination I know, lol!
Last Sunday morning I had a visit from the strangest search yet..."dog ate 1/3 bar of Irish Spring soap" I kid you not! Some poor pet owner is worried about their pet, the vet is closed for the weekend, they turn to the net in desperation and what do they get? A blog about fruits, flowers, kids, and a camel. My post about the extinct Y2K soap would have been buried deep in the General Insanity of the blog and would have done them no good whatsoever if they had found it!
If that poor dog owner ever comes back to visit..."I hope your dog is ok and sorry about the camel"
I would love to hear of some of your strangest search hits!