I've been tagged by Children in the Corn to disclose to you all 6 random things about myself that most of you don't know...since I've only been bloggin' a few months this shouldn't be too hard! I will try to keep it clean...
1. I met my hubby at a Red Robin where he was a waiter, I kept pouring my water in the plants so he would have to refill my glass and I could watch him walk away...after 25 years he still has a great arse! (this was of course before I knew you will kill tropical plants by drowning them in ice water...oops!)
2. Oldest son was 21 when baby boy was born, 21 was also the age I gave birth to oldest son...completely freaks him out that I had a baby at his age...freaks him out even more that I had baby boy at MY AGE!!! (for all you math whizzes out there if you try really hard and read my blog enough you will probably be able to calculate how old I am, let me tell you right now...I will deny it!)
3. I was married as a teenager...which my children are absolutely not allowed to do.
4. When I was a Master Gardener I specialized in children's gardens and would go around to schools doing gardening crafts. I also spoke at parent's groups about how to make gardening fun for kids. BTW the kids were much more fun than the parents, which would explain why I specialized in children's gardening wouldn't it???
5. I've never ridden a camel...nor am I gonna...ever!
6. I'm a vegetarian, although hubby is not, two out of three older boys are not, one is, sweet girl and baby boy are, my sister is not, my mom is , my dad wasn't, my grama was, my grandpa wasn't, my dog isn't, my camel is...although he tried to take a bite out of one of my kid's hind end once, does that count?
Nobody should ever tag me for random thoughts because random thoughts are what I do...that is pretty much all I've got, rarely a cohesive thought in the bunch!!!