In case you hadn't notices there have been a few changes around here...
I decided I just had too much to share and needed to expand my blog offerings. I spent some time adding a little here and adjusting a little there. These are some of the new blog sections
I always have my nose in a book and wanted a place to share it with you so there is now a book review on the blog. It will include not just the review but a link to finding the book ,if it is still in print, and a picture.
I have consolidated all the recipes in one spot and will be doing that with my photo series' too.
There will now be a tiny corner for a quote I find especially inspiring...or just plain funny, or weird, or whatever!
My blog roll is in the process of being updated. There are so many wonderful blogs I enjoy and have been remiss on adding them, so I'm working on that.
I'm going to be adding a homeschool page very soon, because it is near and dear to my heart and want a forum to share with others what we are doing and have a place to interact with other homeschool parents.
Lastly I'm going to have a spot for garden projects because I have a loooong list of fun projects that I will be starting soon and need a place to put my step by step progress. In fact my first will be the mobile rabbit hutch that Alan from Robert's Roost has so kindly helped design.
So excuse the construction mess...its gonna be great when its done!
Oh yeah...Gizmo the camel is getting his chance to be in the spotlight in the new winter banner. I know he rather have apples...or roses... than accolades but this will just have to do for now! If he's lucky I might even give him his own page! But we will see if he can behave...