We are up at the lake this weekend so I though I would regale you with a fish tale from last summer...remember that?
the time when the weather is warm...
when our clothing fits our mood...
and are gardens are bursting at the seams...
Ohhh I miss summer!
This particular fish was baby boy's first experience with the creatures.
Sweet Hubby had caught it and let the kids look at it.
Now before anyone gets their knickers in a twist about the little fishy...
This is one of the invasive species that we are supposed to catch and dispose of.
Anyway...he was just not sure what to think of said fishy!
Sweet Girl on the other hand was so very brave and touched the very end,
the smallest piece she could of the fish!
Speaking of Sweet Girl...does anyone else have a child that insists on fishing in their bicycle helmet?
If she falls off the dock I'm not thinkin' it will do her much good...
Maybe she is afraid of getting a hook in the head...
I just don't know.
I asked her...
Honey why are you wearing your helmet?
Because I want to.
Which is all a 5 year old needs to have for a reason!
Anyway after much talk, touching and looking at...
Daddy shows baby boy what a real man does with a fish!
All I can say to that is
And welcome to my life!