One thing I have learned after having 4 boys is that even though they are tough little guys...
They bang, hit, yell, run, throw...
And at a very young age attempt to climb everything...
Even if it means feet dangling in the air looking worriedly at mama...
Still they keep on climbing until at last...
Triumph...the mountain conquered!
Just when you think your little boys is nothing but a tough guy...
He surprises you...
And spends the next 15 minutes sitting among the flowers...
Sweetly smelling each one in turn...
Touching each petal gently while chanting
"pwetty, pwetty, pwetty fwower"
Ahhh it is enough to melt a mother's heart into a puddle of mush!
But then he reverts back to tough guy...
He hits his sister as he runs by...
Jumps on his big-wheel, reveves the engine...
and is off again!!!
Ahhh the many sides of boys...
God love 'em!!!