We have had 'weeder geese' in the past.
They were wonderful at keeping the grass and weeds down in the orchard, noisy but effective...well until a bobcat ate them all!
I looked out the window a couple of mornings ago to see this...
The elk were back,
but this time not in the pasture but in the yard...
less than 10 feet from the house!
(side note about the yard...its just a continuation of the field that grows up next to the house that happens to get mown once in a while)
And to my surprise they were doing a bang up job weeding for me!
Weeder Elk!!!
Around the ornamental pear trees and snowball bushes...
This one is cleaning up under the Viburnum!
This little guy took a liking to the grass right along the side patio!
He kept right on eating...
Till he had eventually gone around the whole thing!
There were a whole cast of characters including this guy...
The bad boy of the herd...
The rebel...
The non-conformist...
The outlaw...
The one with his antlers growing in opposite direction...strange!
They were also working around the back patio!
The baby is coming over to hang with the bad boy...
Hmmm, does you mama know what kind of crowd your hanging out with?
Hey big fella...when you're done weeding around the pot, could you maybe weed in the pot?
The garden fence could certainly use a little trimming around the bottom!
After watching them work there way around most of the house...
They suddenly turned and walked down the hill.
Thanks guys!
Just when I though I had found the perfect solution to my weeds...
I stepped out the front door to find this...
Suspicious hoof prints next to the front walk...
and this...
Yep, they ate almost every last leaf off the ivy growing on the front porch...
Even the ivy growing up the columns!
This meant they had been on the front porch...
Which lead to me having to clean elk poo off the front porch...
Ok guys...you're fired!
You just can't good help nowadays!