Another installment of the continuing adventures of...
Sweet Girl and Baby Boy!
April Foolin' Around...
The adventure starts with Sweet Girl doing her
'Mama just mowed the lawn happy dance'
Next is her
'I'm so glad I don't have to wear shoes dance'
Followed by
"Look Mama...I can balance grass on my head"
Which quickly turns into
"I'm a grass monster"
Not to be left out, Baby Boy joins the fun!
You better watch out comes the grass monster!
Ohhhh its too late...she got you!
After wrestling with Baby Boy...
Sweet Girl fell over with exhaustion...
Which of course led to...
Baby Boy letting her know what a wimp he though she was...before...
He decided to join her in a little...
Grass Nap!
Just when Baby Boy was starting to get dozy Sweet Girl rolls over and...
Leans in for a kiss...the 100th kiss of the far!
Ughhhhh... Why is she always doing that???
Mama...we need to talk about all this kissing
My cheeks are getting chapped and my patience is wearing thin...
But then again...
Who can blame her?
My cute face is my curse...
Before you know it...
They are off and running again...
Only this time...
Pretending to fly!!!
Enjoy you April Fool's Day everyone...I know we will!