As a mom of 5 children I have had the usual frustrating, hair-pulling, why did I have children moments, but...
I have had far more of the, ahhhh, isn't that adorable, I love my kids moments,
In fact I am going to share some of my favorite moments with you to remind us all why we became mothers in the first place...
The very first flutter of life I felt in my first pregnancy
The doctor laying my slimy red baby on my chest and telling you "Good job...he's perfect!"
The first time I knew that I was completely in love with my daughter. It was in the hotel after our first night alone together, she was 3 days old...realizing that to love an adopted child feels exactly the same as loving one you gave birth to.
Seeing my babies drift to sleep, breast milk dripping out of the corner of their mouths.
The first time a toddler ran and hid behind my legs because he thought I could save him from any stranger no matter how big or scary they were.
The funny sounds newborns make in the crook of your neck.
The first "mama"
Having my 2 year old run and hug my legs and yell "mama" like he hadn't seen me for days...even though I had just left the room for a moment...this happened 5 minutes ago!
Knowing you are someone's whole world.
Having a grade schooler wave to me from the front of the church while mouthing "hi mom"
Watching a little league game
Waking up on the weekend with a bed full of kids.
Seeing mysons treat the young women around them with courtesy and respect.
Hugs when they come home from college.
Having a daughter to read Little House on the Prairie with.
Having a daughter that wants to be Laura Ingalls!
"Congratulation...its twins"
Knowing I have two more girls that I will one day get to spend eternity with.
Seeing my hubby dress up and take his sweet daughter to the father daughter dance.
Sewing with ribbon and lace
"Mama...I wuv you t h i s much!"
Seeing my impossibly small newborn and having the faith to know he would be ok.
Getting to take my tiny son home from the NICU on Mother's Day.
A three year old building a house for his pet ant.
Mission accomplished...he's potty trained!
Hugs and Kisses in abundance!
Thanking God every day that I'm their mother...