I have a younger sister.
She is one of my dearest friends.
We could not be any different...
She's a brunette, I was a blond before my kids turned me gray...
She's tall, me not so much...
She loves steak, I don't eat anything that had a mother...
She lives in town, I'm in the boonies...
She has one child...I have a litter of 5
She's feisty...I'm mellow
She is cool...me not so much!
Our gardens are a perfect example of your differences...
She is all about flowers and plants that are beautiful
When I walk through her gorgeous well kept garden I cannot help but ask myself...
"Where's the food???"
Look at these boxes, not a morsel to eat
Do you know how many tomato plants I could fit in these?
She even has a water feature...
It is a lovely pot that brings the sound of cascading water to her yard,
My kids are drawn to it...
I have a water feature too,
it is a trough that you can hear the sound of a camel slurping at...
cool huh???
Even the side of her house is lush and perfectly kept,
The side of my house is where the wood pile is and where we keep the trash cans...
can you say hick???
My sister does artsy things like filling an old iron birdbath with succulents...
I on the other hand stick boots in the cucumber patch
The front of her house has a flagstone walk, pretty little ground covers and two very groovy palms...
Who would have ever thought of putting a palm on the north side of her house in the Pacific northwest?
How come her palms grow so well there?
Is it because they know they are growing in a really cool yard?
My front lawn consists of pasture grass that I mow to keep the dandelions down...
She has beauty...
I have...
She builds planter boxes for her hosta,
I build raised beds for my cabbage!
She grows tiny delicate flowers in pots,
my pots are full of potatoes and gourds...
Blood grass...her's
Crab grass...mine
Even her new red BBQ is cooler than mine...
(although I can take credit for the goofy kids!)
Notice the itty bitty fence she built to cover her heat pump?
Really cool people don't let their heat pumps show!
I go to my sister's garden for serenity and beauty,
she can come to mine next time she wants a fresh tomato sandwich...
Oh yeah...she doesn't like tomatoes!