I try not to be boastful...
In fact I try to be humble...
If truth be told if you saw my jungle of a garden right now you would say I have every reason to be humble...embarrassed in fact.
Today I am not going to be humble, not one bit...
Because look what I grew!!!
It's a cantaloupe you say...big deal...I can grow those everyday and twice on Sunday.
Well I have not been able to. It is not for lack of trying. I have tried for years and years to get one to ripen here in the notoriously cool Pacific Northwest.
You see we grow big fir trees, apples, hazelnuts, lettuce and all manner of greens. We can grow beans, potatoes, and corn but...
Musk melons are not what we are known for.
I had to pamper, baby and coddle this little guy along to get him to this point...
Was it worth it you ask...
Ohhh the shear intense smell that is coming from this is almost to heavenly to describe.
Look at that little dribble of juice...divine!
And because I wanted to walk on the wild side of breakfast I added...
Can you handle this?
Yes I combined freshly picked blueberries with my newly picked melon!!!
I know, I know...you can hardly believe I'm doing this, and first thing in the morning too!
If this was any better I would have had to classify this post under 'fruit porn'...
But since I don't have that specific category, I won't.
But I could...if I was so inclined.
But I'm not.
At least not today...tomorrow...maybe!
I ate every single last bite...alone...by myself...in secret.
I did not share...
I did not care...
I ate it all...
I had a ball!
So next time sweet hubby stands really close, leans in and whispers,
"Honey, you have really nice melons"
I can honestly reply
"You know darling...yes, I really do!"