G I Z M O, hey G I Z M O...come here boy
I've got something yummy for you!
I'm coming already...don't rush me!
S N I F F F F F...I don't know,
It smell a little funky.
I don't think I like broccoli...
Pretty sure I don't.
Come on you big baby its good for you...you'll love it, trust me!
Ok, ok...I'll try a little taste.
C R U N C H...hmmm not to bad.
I told you, and its good for you too...
It has lots of vitamins and fiber!
Doesn't roughage make you poo more?
Do you really want that?
Oh, I guess I never thought of that...
Maybe you shouldn't have anymore.
Hey, hold on there...I'm not done
Ok you can finish this one.
I told you that you would like it...have I ever steered your wrong?
Well there was that kohlrabi incident.
Oh yeah...
Sorry about that...