This could not have happened at my house because if it had...
That would make my life just too weird even for me...
While washing some dishes the other day I happened to look out of the window to see the camel leaning across the fence almost to the point of breaking it...all the while ignoring the electricity pulsing through the supposedly critter proof top wire. This part of the story I fully admit happened.
I of course did not run out side shouting at said camel and would never ever throw one of my wet half washed pots at him...that would not be rational. I would also not leave it out in the field for 5 days, nope, never.
He of course did not move back but a few paces and look at me, annoyed, while chewing the grass he illegally got from my side of the fence...I get no respect.
I did not then stomp back into the house and yell for my 21 year old college student son who was minding his own business doing homework...I would not interrupt homework for anything, it is far too important!
I then did not proceed to tell him I was either going for hubby's shotgun or the clippers.
He being the calm son would never need to explain to his emotional mother that it would be a LOT of trouble to bury something as big a a camel with nothing but a shovel...
The clippers it was...or wasn't!
I of course have camel clippers (yep, go ask for those at the feed store!)...I would never borrow the clippers my mom has for her cock-a-poo, no that would be too odd.
I then did not proceed to have my son, who should have been doing homework, shave the camel's neck as to make for better contact with the electric fence...would never do this.
The poor boy did not get camel hair all over him...
I certainly did not then let my 6 year old daughter grab the clippers and go for it...
I would never think it prudent parenting for a small child to be handling an electric cutting device while standing beneath a 1500# slightly grumpy camel...not me I'm a better parent than that!
If I was to let my daughter do such a thing I'm sure she would do a great job!
I would never in a million years recruit my freshly out of Marine Boot Camp favorite nephew in the whole world, to partake in such a strange thing as in shaving a camel...nor would I have him hold a manure covered bucket with grain to keep the camel still. I have way more respect for him than that...
I of course would never ever tease him that if he is ever shipped to Iraq that he would fit right in...knowing how to shave a camel and all...I would not find that completely amusing, cracking myself up insanely...nope I have a better sense of humor than that!
I would never suggest that if he was really tough he would get up and ride the hairy, obnoxious I would never tease a Marine!
Nope things like this don't happen around here...really, they don't!
No...that would just be too strange.
Besides...camels don't like to be shaved...really they don't!