Tomorrow November 21st is the 10th annual National Adoption Day.
This is the day we celebrate with those of us lucky enough to have been touched by this miracle. It is also a day that nationally the courts are thrown open to finalize many adoptions especially from the foster care system. Taking kids from temporary homes to forever homes.
This is a day we have a big party for the lucky kids and the even luckier parents that have come together to form a new families all across our country...Yippee!
So without further ado...
Meet my Sweet Girl
She is the lone princess in a world of frogs...
The fluffy pink cloud in a sky of blue...
A rose among 4 rowdy and thorny brothers!
The one that brings more words, tears, smiles, kisses, drama, giggles, ruffles, and sweetness to our lives than any other!
Sweet Girl was adopted at birth. She came to us through what would be described as circumstances that only God could arrange.
As our first three sons grew older we had often talked about adoption. Yet we never took a step to pursue it formally. My faithful husband believed that if God had a baby for us He would let us know. I actually thought he was's don't just fall out of the sky, you have to go and find one, that's how it works. He disagreed.
I had resigned myself to having only three children...
Until God did exactly what my husband said He would do...He had a baby for us.
The specific circumstances behind Sweet Girl's birth and adoption are quite amazing. But these details are not for me to share here. This is her story to tell, not for now I will just say that God is wonderful and gracious.
We were thrilled to be receiving this gift and must admit that later when we learned that our baby was a girl we were over the moon with excitement!
A girl! A sweet little pink bundle of joy was to be ours...
The wait was excruciating!
After bearing three children I knew that the last month was the hardest but until you wait for your adopted child to be born you have no idea how hard waiting is...seriously it almost did me in!
You know God has a plan...but what if something changes? Could I bear it?
That is where my faithful husband stepped in and calmed my frazzled nerves and reassured me that God had it all under control. That I should have more faith...and patience!
I remember the phone call from the adoption agency so clearly..."She's in labor early, can you get a plane tonight? Hurry..."
I remember being so excited, and scared, and excited. I threw some clothes in a bag, called the travel agency and boarded a plane to meet my new daughter. My husband stayed behind with our sons. I had only flown twice in my life and certainly never alone, across country.
On the runway in Nashville Tennessee waiting to take off for the last leg of my journey I got a phone call from the adoption agency.
"She's here, she's perfect...5 pounds 13 ounces...hurry!"
I burst into tears right there in my window seat or the plane. Then proceeded to tell everyone that would listen that I had a daughter, she had just been born and I was on my way to meet her!
I got to the hospital very late that night...way past visiting hours...but with some pleading on my part and a very kind nurse I got to peek at my new daughter. Oh she was so little laying there in the bassinet. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her, but alas I did have to wait to the next day.
I went to the hospital early the next morning and spent that day and the next getting to know Sweet Girl's birth mom and extended family. They had all come to meet the baby and say goodbye to her before I took her home. It was lovely if not a bit surreal...I was taking their baby with me to raise yet they were gracious and kind.
I must stop right here and mention that this tiny child was surrounded by so many that loved her. There was joy, this child was not a secret, not an embarrassment, she was loved and celebrated. I admit that I do not know if I could have been a selfless as these people...
And while we are being completely honest here I must admit that I was also worried...worried that I would not love this little one in the same way I loved my sons whom I had carried and loved before they were even born. What if I never formed that same attachment? Does one's heart know the difference between a child that is adopted and one that you give birth to?
After a tearful goodbye in the hospital I left with the baby to go back to my hotel. I spent the rest of the day just holding this tiny new human. I counted toes, caressed cheeks, and stroked hair. I rocked, and walked, and nursed (yes I nursed her but it is a long story for another time). I talked to her and sang to her and prayed for both of us.
I prayed that I would love this child with all my heart, be a good mother to her and raise her to love the Lord.
After a sleepless night with a fussy baby I sat on the end of the bed just as the sun was rising and looked down at my new daughter. It was at that moment I knew that I fallen in love with her. I was completely and utterly in love with this little was then that I knew that a mother's heart makes so distinction between an adopted child and a birthed child...none.
She was my daughter, I loved her, and we were in it for the long haul!
Fast forward a few weeks and we finally flew home to meet the rest of the family, all fall in love, and live happily ever after...well except for the whole camel thing!
So happy Adoption Day my Sweet Girl...I will love you forever and always, mom
So now dear you have any adoption stories to share? We sure would love to hear them!