When you have college aged sons you are bound to have girlfriends that hang around...
You become attached to these sweet young women...
So naturally when gift giving time comes around you want to make them something too.
Here is a little paper craft that Sweet Girl and I did for the special girls in our boys' lives.
Each cost less than $5.00 to make and the girls were thrilled!
We started at the office supply store where we picked up some clipboards. Next visited the craft store and chose a piece of scrap booking paper that we thought was perfect for each young lady.
We also threw in our cart some spray adhesive and fancy letter stickers.
When we got home we traced the clipboard shape onto the paper and cut it out. Next using the spray adhesive we attached the paper to the board.
Then we put on the name of each girl...this one above we decorated the stickers with Sharpies
Then we added this picture of the little ones...
After this we did two coats of decoupage to make it durable...
Even the backs of each clipboard was decorated with the leftover paper and stickers!
Lastly we tied the top with a loop to hang the clipboard with and a bow made from some pretty ribbon.
When they were all done we added a tablet of pink paper and tah dah...the perfect cheap, colorful, fun, and easy gift for all the girls in our life!
And for less than fives bucks I'm going to make one for me too!
And for less than five bucks I could make one for you too...except that I don't know where you live or what your favorite colors are or if you even use clipboards...
Hey I know...how about you make one for you!
Save me on postage that way...