Each and every morning after Baby Boy gets his morning cuddle he rushes out to play with his train set and every morning this is what he says
Morning choo choo twain set. Me pway wiff you!
And this is where he will stay until breakfast is ready...
It is a little world that he loves to immerse himself in. Full of...
Cranes for moving freight and loading railroad cars...
And helicopters keeping the skies overhead safe from alien invaders!
There are grumpy little buses that take passengers to the station...
Sometimes he even convinces sister to play along...
While he is taking great delight in making the trains go so fast they derail...
She is busy making up stories with the little wooden people who are waiting at the station to go visit their sick grandma's and taking vacations to the seaside!
She thinks he's destructive...
He thinks she's boring...
I think they are both adorable!
With Thomas and Rosie tucked in their roundhouse I think its time for breakfast!
I hope you all have a terrific Monday!
You can also find me over at Not Dabbling in Normal talking about the movie Food Inc and introducing a challenge for next month to take our personal food supply back...please join us for this important first step.