While we were eating oatmeal this morning this was some of our conversation...
Sweet Girl to her little brother, "You are really being quite contrary"
Baby Boy in reply, "Noooo, me no fairy...YOU FAIRY...me MONSTER...grrrrr"
A few minutes later...
Sweet Girl, "Mama I don't want to sit next to him, he has fleas"
Baby Boy, "You have fweas, me no have fweas. Mama what fweas?"
Me, "It isn't nice to say your brother has fleas. Fleas are little bugs that cause you to itch."
Baby Boy crying, "Me no wike bugs, make bugs go way mama."
Me glaring at Sweet Girl, "Baby you don't have fleas, really you don't...your sister does."
Sweet Girl laughing, "I'm not scared of bugs...I'm tough...bring 'em on!"
A few minutes after that...
Sweet Girl, "I don't want oatmeal."
Me, "But that is what you asked for."
Sweet Girl, "I changed my mind."
Me, "You can't change your mind after I've already made it"
Sweet Girl, "Mama I can't help it when my mind decides to change"
Me, "Explain that to your stomach later when it is hungry because of your mind."
Almost done with breakfast...
Sweet Girl, "Mama I want a cheese sandwich for lunch today"
Me, "OK, but don't you think you should finish breakfast first before you worry about lunch?"
Sweet Girl, "Well I thought I would tell you now, that way if I change my mind and want peanut butter then you wouldn't have made it yet and it won't be to late to change my mind."
Me, "Ummmm, OK."
The finale...
Baby Boy crying, "Me no wike peabutter...it icky...no, no, no!"
Me, rolling my eyes