Do you have a sock monster that eats your families socks?
Mine has eaten dozen of socks over the years...
Dirty rotten scoundrel that he is!
I have finally figured out a way to turn the tables on him...
Meet my very own handcrafted from a stray sock kitty!
This little darling is made from one of Sweet Girl's baby socks that has been mate less for years. How's that for showing that darn sock monster?
Want to know how to make one of these? It is so easy that Sweet Girl is making one too!
Start with a stray know the one that was left after the dryer monster ate the other! If you have one with a different colored toe and heel.
Cut a narrow "U" shape from the top of the cuff down to near the heel.
Cut a small hole in the toe that you will use later for turning and stuffing. Turn the sock inside out.
Hand stitch around the bottom of the "U" up to where you want the ears to end (these socks I will turn down after it is turned inside out)
Turn the sock right side out and turn down the cuffs and carefully stitch them together. Stitch across the very top of the 'ears' so the stuffing doesn't come out the top when you stuff her...hmmm maybe a few extra stitches would keep my stuffing in, yes I'm projecting again...sorry.
This is what it will look like with the ears done...she's ready to stuff! Stuff it through the hole at the bottom, stuff firmly being careful to fill the ears evenly.
Once it is stuffed stitch up the bottom hole. Sit it on a flat surface and adjust until it stands up nice and straight. Correct posture is something every girl needs!
Now the fun part!
Ready to put on her face...
Pick a couple of buttons for the them on pulling them with a bit of tension to give them an inset look.
Next is her nose and mouth...
Choose your favorite embroidery floss color...
Use your imagination...round nose, triangle nose, no nose...smiling, pouting, sulking...eyelashes, glasses, whiskers. Sweet Girl wanted this to be a girlie cat so it was pink floss and eyelashes! It think she will be a perfect addition to our library decor...
Our new little kitty friend will spend her days bird watching out of our library window...
There is wide array of books she might be interested in...
And Sweet Girl is always anxious to have someone to play dress up with!
The only thing that would make her life perfect would be a new little friend of her own to play with...
And maybe a tail...but with a 2 year old boy running amuck we decided to forgo the tail, it wouldn't have stood a chance!
Maybe that can be arranged!
Now go ahead...go find the stray socks that have driven you crazy all these years.
And exact your sweet revenge on the sock monster!
For more monsters go'll find another kitty, a rabbit, and a pig!
If you are looking for someone that is a true stray sock artist, Daniel, take a look at this book
In honor of the fact that I have now had just over 5000 comments on my blog I am giving my 5000th reader that left me a comment her very own stray sock creation...Jen from Muddy Boot Dreams was that very person! She is one of my very favorite bloggers, an amazing photographer, and as sweet as can be! Congrats Jen...let me know what your favorite color is and I'll get started on your little guy...or gal!