When we are at the cabin there is not the long 'to do' list that we have at home.
There is no tv or internet.
So we find other things to keep us entertained.
Climbing trees, taking walks, canoing, fishing, and...
Like standing around blowing bubbles for the kids until all the bubble solution is gone!
Enthusiasm abounds!
The little one races after the bubbles...
While Sweet Girl add her dramatic flare to catching them!
I have to confess that sometimes I grumble about going to the cabin. I cannot see past my long list of things I need to do this time of year. Summer sewing to get done, garden chores galore, spring cleaning, blog posts and a host of other things I want to accomplish.
But when I am old and gray it will not be the perfectly kept house or my blog traffic that I will remember. No it will be times like these...
The pure and simple joys of just hanging out with my family...doing nothing but being...and smiling...a lot!
So my piece of advice for today is put down your 'to do' list just for a little while and go and enjoy just one simple pleasure. Even if it is as simple as walking through your garden or reading a book to your kids.
Your chores will wait...life won't.
You can also find me today over at Not Dabbling in Normal where I am ranting about living in Washinton state, the apple capitol of the US and yet my apple juice is made in CHINA! What is with that?