May I just start by saying that I am for the very first time posting this from away from home! We are at an indoor water park and have been since yesterday...isn't technology just grand? Heck I almost feel like Pioneer Woman posting from one of her swell trips...well almost. Except that I don't go on book signing tours, or live on a cattle ranch, or have lovely red hair, or would ever take pictures of calf testicles...besides that I feel just like her!
Sweet Girl is learning her addition facts. All the wonderful combination that make 10...which in an of itself if I must admit rather boring. We decided to spice it up a bit...
I cut out two sets of numbers from 0 to 10 then we glued them onto some colorful construction paper. The name of each number was written on them and Sweet Girl has started to color and decorate them.
Next lay out all the numbers...
Touch two number that equal ten. 7 + 3...yep!
0 + 10 is perfect!
Even the little guy joins the fun with a little help. Good job baby 9 + 1 is TEN!
Good thing you have long legs girlie!
Addition doesn't have to be boring...and the fun is contagious!
A big brother could just resist joining the fun!
Very good adding, 5 + 5 does equal 10! All that college is paying off...
Yes using your head and feet work!
His enthusiasm knows no bounds...notice the little eyes watching!
The kids even figured out that if they held up their ages that they too equal 10...good job guys!
The kids just had a blast and by the end Sweet Girl knew all the combination of numbers that add up to ten!
Next Big Brother turned over all the cards and made it into an addition memory game...much more challenging but again great fun!
Now I'm off to go play in the water with my two littlest kiddos...the big ones baled on me. Darn kids, they just couldn't bring themselves skip work to play with me on the water slides. So when did they learn to be all responsible and stuff?
One final thought. I am here with my sweet hubby. I love him dearly but he has one considerable flaw...he has not gained even one pound since I've known him. I on the other hand have birthed 6 babies and have gained a pound or two...or twenty. May I just state here for the is NOT fair.
My thighs second that!