This was the corner of our family room...classy huh?
No matter what I could not keep those toys corralled. So I decided we needed something different...
We have sorted through and gotten rid of the toys they no longer used. Put most of the ones they do use upstairs in their play room leaving just a few well loved toys and favorite books...this is the corner of our family room now!
We have a new little painted cabinet that keeps our toys neat and tidy.
But this cabinet did not start out looking like this...I know this shocks you! No it was a free cabinet left behind by some renters that moved across country and couldn't (or didn't want to) fit it in their moving van.
This is the 'before' cabinet. It was pale pink with its undercoat of yellow showing. Frankly I love old beat up furniture and would have just given it a good cleaning and kept it as is. But I am married to a guy who has no appreciation for 'junk' as he puts it!
So paint it I did!
And since the last project was white I was going to go as bright as I could stand!
A coat of primer and two coats of coral pink...satin
After it dried I put on a coat of crackle glaze. I then let it dry for 3 hours and applied my top coat.
Burnt orange...flat.
You must work quickly as it begins to crackle right away...the kids thought it was so cool that their new cabinet looked like bark!
I think someone has put crackle glaze on my face...sorry...just thinking out loud!
Bright and cheery huh?
New cabinet in newly vacated corner!
I must say I love those little feet...I left them coral pink!
We moved some favorite books in along with some homeschool workbooks and...
You cannot have a toy cabinet without a basket full of dinosaurs and ponies...I'll give you 3 guesses as to who owns the dinosaurs and who owns the pretty little ponies!
Do you remember the calendar I made out of sheet metal, a frame and some glass tiles? Well here it is. I am trying to decided if I like it there.
Should I leave it propped up there, hang it on the wall above, or put is somewhere else? Your help would be greatly appreciated on this matter.
(And yes I know the calendar still reads 'April')
(And yes I know I have lived in this house 15 years and still have no baseboards...honey I have no baseboards...did you hear that? I'm gonna have to get out the saw and put them up myself if you don't soon...I mean it...really.)
So there you have it...our new toy cabinet...guaranteed to keep toys picked up an in order!
I also have some swamp land you might want to take a look at...
Oh and in case you were wondering...
Why orange?
Yep those are chrome and orange barstools from an old diner in Seattle that went out of business. They are very old and very heavy...moving those suckers to mop is no easy task. It is one of the reason I work out...
Well that and so I can shovel camel poo...