I stayed up way too late last night editing photos.
I was going to do a charming and heartwarming post all about how wonderful it is to be the only girl surrounded by 4 brothers.
How these brothers will always be there to help and protect their only sister...
How they treat her like the precious treasure she is...
But problem is...
I saved every single one of the pictures I was working on in the wrong size...
125 x125 pixels does not a good blog photo make (I usually save them 800 x 800)
And 20 photos in that size does not a good blog post make.
So there you have it...I've got nothin'!
And frankly I have no time to redo them this morning because we're having the memorial for my mil on Friday...at my house... and I still have a million things to do!
Most pressing would be the toilets...the guest bathroom is smelling a bit wonky.
It could be because it is a 3 year old boy has been using it...enough said.
Another fact of having 4 boys...
The toilets always need cleaning!