Sorry for the lateness of the post this morning...I'm having HUGE internet issues! I haven't even been able to read Pioneer Woman this morning...
I hope this is not a sign of how the whole day will go.
Finally the sun has been out an amazing three days in a row here in the drippy Northwest! I can almost here the sighs of relief and the lifting of spirits.
Before I get to my garden update I need to introduce you to a couple of new additions to our family.
My 22 year old who works at Lowes called me up earlier this week from work wanting me to look on the internet to see how to feed baby...
It seems a mama pigeon had hatched out a couple of babies in a box that got moved. By the time they were found no one knew where the box came from or how to get them back to their mama.
So my bird-lovin' 2nd son brought them home to hand feed. And since he works full time that leaves the day time feeding to me!
I'm thinkin' we should name them 'ugly' and 'uglier'...
I read somewhere that nature made baby animals so cute that it helped ensure their survival...
Guess they never saw a baby pigeon!
Its a wonder this species survived at all if that were indeed the case...
Then again to a mama pigeon they may be just darling.
To me...not so much!
So every 4 to 5 hours we're doing this...
Mixing formula with warm water, putting it into a feeding syringe and spending the next 30 or so minutes feeding these little ones.
Never a dull moment here on the funny farm!
Now a garden update...and if you are wondering where Sweet Girl is in all these pictures...she was behind the camera for many of them!
We planted grapes in two barrels I had that the bottoms had rotted out. We planted them on either side of one of the garden gates.
I let the kids pick out some flowers at the store and we planted them around the pomegranate bush.
As you can see they have been keeping them very well watered!
We have been harvesting peas, strawberries, raspberries, lettuce and all sorts of greens. When I go to the garden to pick I take along my lovely makes me feel like Martha Stewart.
This is what the kids like to harvest in...
Betcha' even Martha has never harvested kale in a popcorn bucket!
So what have you guys been up to this week?