Welcome to another addition of kinderGARDENS its week 16 already...wow! We are finally in full harvest mode here on the funny farm...
Raspberries sweet and juicy...
It's now that all the hard work of planting and tending pays off!
Digging in the straw for potatoes. Planting potatoes in straw is by far my favorite way to plant them...they come out clean and no heavy digging involved!
Fresh potatoes roasted on the BBQ with olive oil and spices...somebody just can't wait!
We are still harvesting a few peas, lots of greens and the summer squash is coming on!
I'm lucky to have a sister that does not like plums.
She doesn't like plums you ask? Yep so we get to pick all the yellow plums on her plum tree...silly girl!
I say 'we' pick, but more accurately 'I' pick and kids watch and play under the great old tree!
What are your going to do with all those plums?
Ah its a secret...you will have to visit next week to find out. But be assured it involves tons yummy fruit and lots of sugar!
Finally we have a couple of additions to our maze...
We now have two little red Adirondack chairs to lounge upon while hanging out with the sunflowers!
We also have a pretty little flag fluttering from the top of our maze to go along with the great summer banner! Now if the plants would just hurry up and grow faster (and the kids slower) the maze would be perfect!
I know this time of year is so very busy for we gardeners, but make sure to share your kindergARDEN posts. We are getting near the end of our series and will need as many great posts as we can for the final judging! If you have forgotten what you can win make sure to check back to the first kindergarden post!
Next week we have another wonderful guest writer so make sure to come back ready to learn and share!