Today I'm sharing a little tip I do to give me another place to display photos. As you know I decorate Christmas Trees with them and my backsplash is adorned with photos in my kitchen.
I have very little 'artwork' in my home because there is no room due to my obsession with photographs!
This is our sunroom/office/exercise room. The antique desk was a gift from my mom. It is oak and heavy and full of wonderful storage places. As I didn't want to ruin the lovely top by writing on it I had a piece of glass cut for it.
And do you know what is great about glass on desktops?
That's more place you can display photos!
There are baby pictures of our kids, pregnancy pictures from 25 years ago, graduation photos and even wedding photos that are trickling in from our big boys' friends (how do it happen that they are old enough to get married???)
I'm seriously thinking about getting some glass cut for the white credenza in the background so I can put some there too!
Remember the chalkboard craft dresser that I put glass on to display kids artwork?
Yep, there is another perfect example of a way to display things that have meaning to you.
I even did it to my computer desk upstairs. Each piece of glass has cost between $25 and $40 dollars.
Besides it much more fun paying bills on a desk covered with photos that make you smile!
Excuse the toes....
Note: I was asked in the comments about the photos sticking.
I have never had any stick but they are a pain to get under the glass when you want to add new ones. I have used tiny rubber bumpers (available where they sell floor protectors for the bottom of furniture) that keep the glass just a fraction of an inch off the surface to make it easy to slide photos under the glass.
I don't do this in the sunroom because we often have the windows open and the significant breezes we get up here would blow the photos out!