We went to the lake cabin over the holiday weekend.
I spent a lot of time in the hammock reading and looking up...
Somehow staring at puffy white clouds against a beautiful blue sky is calming. It makes me remember that I am indeed not the center of the universe.
While I lay relaxed in my hammock Sweet Girl played around me dancing and singing and making up nonsense stories as is her great delight.
Baby Boy and his daddy were doing this...
A little father son bonding over the shared conquest of fish!
I walked out to join them and was confronted immediately by my 3 year old son and his first fish tale...
Mama, mama, I caught a fish!
It was this tall...
And it was this BIG!
Wow that is a big fish for such a little boy to catch!
Mama I'm not wittle I'm B I G!
Oh yeah...sorry.
Is it a requirement of fishing to exaggerate? Are fish tales like a law of fishing or something? I cannot think of one other activity in which stretching the truth is like...mandatory! Just wondering...
He proceeded to show me the trout he had caught...
He and his sister kept looking at it and touching it...till they both smelled like fish.
She also had to get in on the big fish tale action!
He went on to catch two trout...he was thrilled!
And hubby?
Well he fished on and off all day...
He didn't land so much as a single fish.
Sorry honey...maybe next time you could get some pointers from the kid!
And me?
I went back to my hammock...
And my puffy clouds!
While filing away my newest fishing photos on my computer I bumped into these...
He's come a long ways from this...
He used to be quite horrified of fish, keeping his hands as far away from them as possible!
Could it be that maybe this could have been some of the reason for his trepidation?
Yeah...that could have been part of the problem!