Dear Mother Nature...this sucks! Sorry that is not very lady like but it is raining BUCKETS around here and I'm never ever going to be able to plant anything without it rotting...sob.
My youngest 3 year old son has officially gone from sweet angel baby to typical loud, ornery, destructive little boy. I was hoping that at least 1 out of 4 of my boys would not go through this. Hide the china and batten down the come the tornado!
My daughter had just turned 8. How did this happen? I am cancelling all future birthdays, that's it...she's done growing up.
#3 son is visiting for spring break...I wonder if I beg enough if I can keep him from leaving me and going back to school?
Scratch that...he has school loans and I would hate to get stuck with them due to him not finishing school and being unemployable.
I attended the first hearing on my CASA case yesterday. The court was full of over 30 cases of parents accused of...starving their kids, abusing them by throwing them across rooms, breaking bones of their babies, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment...
Truly if I didn't believe that we can all make a difference I would lock myself on my farm and never ever leave.
We all know that bad things happen in this world, but I for one have never been smacked across the face with just how bad and how often bad happens before yesterday. We live in a small can there be well over 30 cases just in one day of children mistreated in such horrible ways?
As I watched the state's attorneys and the social workers read of the details of case after case I sat wondering how they can do this for a living...each work day being confronted with such horrors. How does ones heart handle such things?
Then I watched the defense attorneys defending the parents and wonder what kind of burdens they are left with on their hearts. Can they separate what is clearly their jobs and what as a human being they would like to see happen to their clients? Another job I cannot fathom having.
So as for my little guy, he is still in a foster home, one that if full of people that have fallen in completely in love with him. His casts have been taken off, the pins removed from his arms and he is a happy, healthy 10 month old.
And I will go to the ends of the earth to make sure he stays that way.
Come back tomorrow and I'll let you in on a little secret about a new series I'm doing and where I'm doing it at!