Well here we are fellow soil-lovers...its actually spring 2011...how did that happen?
It is time for KinderGARDENS again!
We'll keep it on Thursdays just like last year and we'll start...
May 5, 2011
And go through September with the winners being announced...
October 6, 2011
That's 5 whole months of gardening with our (or borrowed) kiddos and sharing our gardens with each other...seriously I can't wait!
Here are some of the ideas that I (or you) have come up with...
Gardening for the hungry, adding an extra row or two for the hungry in our communities and teaching our kids the joy of giving and coming back here to share our experiences! (Thanks Cathryn for the idea)
Doing a post on using Vertical elements in our childrens' gardens from arbors to potato condos! (thanks Susan and Rebecca for the inspiration)
Crafting from our gardens...leaf exchange, stepping stones, potato stamps, etc.
Cooking with kids...recipe exchange of our very best ideas for using our produce in a kid friendly way.
Adding whimsy to veggies...the best way to add a little pizzaz to our gardens, art, labels, gnomes anyone?
Recycling in the garden...using what we have or can get for free for our gardens
?????...I know you have some brilliant ideas that we can use here! Feel free to shout it out or email me with your ideas.
I have not figured out the categories for the winners yet.
I will have to do something different for prizes this year...last year all the books and gift cards were 'out of pocket' and this year things are a bit (ok a lot) tighter budget-wise. I will try to get some sponsors for the contest. If anyone has ideas for sponsors or how to get them for our KinderGARDENS series let me know.
I do have some prize ideas that will be fun...so not to worry!
We're doing our maze again this year...but instead of sunflowers I'm seriously considering using hops! Has anyone any experience with growing hops? If so feel free to share any advice you have!
They are a very fast growing vine that is pretty cool looking...could make for a very jungle-like maze!
Maybe I could add a tunnel...
Ohhhh the possibilities!
Come back on the first Thursday of May (or sooner I hope :) ready to share your plans for this year's gardening season with our kids...little or big, it doesn't matter...as long as they are willing to get dirty!