Crop rotation is a very important part of my garden planning each year. It is yet another weapon in the arsenal of an organic gardener.
Each crop family has its own nutritional requirements and set of pests and diseases.
By rotating your crop on a 3 year (or more) rotation you will not deplete the soil of key nutrients and have disease organisms build up in the soil.
I finally put pencil to paper yesterday and drew out my garden plans for this year...
I've rotated my tomato/pepper/eggplant/potato family away from where they have not been for at least 3 years
I've moved my cucumbers to another very well amended bed.
Peas and beans have been moved to fix nitrogen in a new area.
Corn is now where tomatoes were.
Potatoes and pumpkins are in brand new areas that have not been used before.
The kids' maze has a new home was where the tomatoes are going to be this year!
My compost bins are either going to be re-built using straw or I'm going to go with a more permanent version...still deciding which way to go with this.
When I see the garden all designed and waiting for planting I just about can't wait for the weather to clear so I can get out there and get my hands dirty!
So what about you? Do you plan your garden ahead of time? Or do you just fly by the seat of your pants and plant where the spirit moves you?
Come back tomorrow when we will discuss our kinderGARDENS series for this year!