I have putting off this post since last week when I found Gizmo the camel dead underneath the giant fir tree up on the hill, his favorite place to sleep and take dust baths...his tree.
I have avoided coming here since his photos are everywhere...
It frankly has still not completely sunk in that my friend and nemesis Gizmo has died.
No more loooking out the window to see him staring in waiting for a handout.
No more yelling at him for pushing on the fences.
No more people showing up unexpectedly at our doorstep wanting to see the camel.
No more Gizmo adventures here on the blog...
So as a tribute to him I am going to be re-posting some of my favorite Gizmo stories throughout the next couple of weeks.
So come back tomorrow and I'll tell you all how I got a camel to begin with...
A day over ten years ago when life on the farm would never quite be the same!