I promised last week that I would follow my own assignment and let you all know our plans for this year.
Since the maze was such a hit we have expanded and found a permanent home for it in the garden!
The kids and I have thought a lot about what we wanted to plant this year around the maze.
Sweet Girl has always wanted to grow mint...and of course being soooo invasive I have always said no. We now have compromised and filled an old washtub with three varieties of mint, apple, pineapple, and peppermint. We've set the tub right by the entrance to the maze. She loves to go by and pick a leaf to chew on.
They wanted more tunnels in the maze. This is at the entrance, it is for the gourds to grow on.
This is planted on either side with blue morning glories. This is also the one I keep hitting my head on...guess I need to do something about that!
Last year's maze was primarily sunflowers. This year we are adding Hollyhocks to the mix!
On either side of the maze there is a row of tomatoes. I talked to the kids and let them pick out their favorites to plant. Of course they both chose all the cherry tomatoes...so cherry tomatoes it is!
I'm also putting a row of potatoes next to the maze because the kids feel that the potatoes are pretty much theirs as they are the ones to harvest them each year.
Giant Dahlias are also on tap for this year! Scarlet runner beans, peas, cosmos, nasturtiums, and daisies for daisy chains are also going to find a home in this years maze.
And as soon as the weather clears we'll get our red chairs out of the garage and add them too! But this year I'm putting my own chair in...I'm tired of having to sit on the ground!
Lastly we've moved Ollie to a new home closer to the maze so he can hang out and enjoy the summer fun with the kiddos!
Now if I could just get the weather to cooperate we will soon have a rockin' maze to hang out and enjoy the summer in!
I can't wait!
So what have you been up to this week?