pur·pose·ful (pûrps-fl) adj.
1. Having a purpose; intentional
2. Having or manifesting purpose; determined
in·ten·tion·al (n-tnsh-nl) adj.
1. Done deliberately; intended
When I was visiting all the links for last weeks KinderGARDENS (one of my favorite things to do btw!) I came to the blog post over at The Old Nichols Farm where the reality of gardening with little ones was explored...it even involves wood ticks!
The post got me thinking about how we here at KinderGARDENS are trying to be purposeful and deliberate when it comes to involving our kids in the gardening process. And if we are completely honest it isn't always easy...
Little hands are sometimes clumsy.
Little boots sometimes trample on seedlings.
Fights break out...all the while you are rushing against weather to get in the beans, transplant the tomatoes and get the peppers covered.
Sometimes having little helpers is no help at all!
When we purposefully and deliberately invite children into the garden we share with them the wonders of growing things.
They learn about science of soil by exploring composting, examining creatures that live in the soil...
And of course...eating a little dirt along the way is expected!
They learn the magic of watching a tiny seed sprout and grow...
Into sunflower giant!
They also learn that freshly grown food is yummy...afterall it must be good because they had a hand in growing it!
So this gardening season lets be purposeful and deliberate with the small gardeners in our lives. It won't always be easy, expedient, convenient, or remotely clean.
But remember that just like spring, the season we get to spend gardening with them when they are little is all too short.
Before you know it they will be all up and grown...trust me on this.
And if you've done your job right they will someday be calling you from Nevada wanting to know when is the best time to set out tomatoes and what gardening zone they are now in!
So fellow purposeful gardeners...what have you been up to this week?