How is it that my eldest son is old enough to be married?
How is it that my eldest son's best friend is old enough to be getting married at the beach this weekend?
It was not very long ago they were is school together, playing star wars, building forts from hay bales, zooming around the Mario Cart tracks and building elaborate universes out of Legos!
I want a recount...there is NO way they are old enough to be real adults!
Where did my boys go?
For those of you with little ones heed my warning.
I know you've heard it a thousand times...
Cherish this time with your babies, before you know it they will be grown and gone.
And you too will be demanding a recount!
So while you are pondering that bit of advice...we will be at the beach...watching yet another part of our family be all grown up...
I've forbid the little ones from turning into big ones...nope, no becoming grown-ups for the little ones!
Or this one for that matter!
Pretty sure he'll never completely grow up!
Have a wonderful weekend my blog buddies...see ya Monday!