Let's see here, what have I learned about donkeys in the short time I have been their friend...
First of all donkeys are very social. Everywhere I go on the farm I can turn around and see this trio following close behind.
Donkeys are silly! They stand at the fence making all kinds of faces and silly noises trying to get my attention... and get me to give them a treat!
Reminds me of someone else...
Miss you big guy...sniff.
Speaking of treats...a donkey will follow you to the end of the earth for a hotdog bun!
Whole wheat of course!
They also like to be brushed, scratched and talked to.
They love to chase alpacas and harass llamas and hee haw just for fun!
And finally...they make really, really good farm ornaments!
I can't wait to see what else I learn about these wonderful creatures over the upcoming months and years.
Yep...I'm talkin' about you, sweet funny face!