We are simply being over run with tomatoes...and I mean that in the very best way!
I had so many hopes of canning hundreds of pints of tomatoes but alas they all decided to ripen just when we are starting homeschool, soccer, and swimming lessons. Not to mention all the harvesting going on elsewhere in the garden, corn, blackberries, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, and more!
So I have decided to use to easy go-to methods of preserving tomatoes.
Freezing and Drying. Today we're all about drying or dehydrating...
This can be done in warm areas outside in the warm sun under cheese cloth...unfortunately if I did this they would drown!
You can also dry tomatoes in the oven set at 200 degrees. Either use a non-stick mat or spray cookie sheets so they will not stick.
But I'm going to use my dehydrator.
Start with fresh clean tomatoes...
Half or quarter (or smaller with BIG tomatoes) your tomatoes and place them skin side down on your oiled tray...
You can leave them perfectly naked or do what I do and season them lightly. I use a custom made mix of sea salt, freshly ground pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. This takes them from delicious to simply heavenly!
Italian seasoning would be great too as well as seasoning salt or any number of spices you love with tomatoes.
Dry them until they are leathery but no longer tacky or sticky to the touch. This takes a minimum of 8 hours in my dehydrator and up to 2 days if they are really big pieces.
I just throw them in a freezer bag. You can also preserve them in olive oil in the frig for up to three weeks but I have no time for this...none!
All winter I will add them to soups, rice dishes, and pizza...perfectly wonderful and perfectly easy...
Just the way I like it!